so here is the game: this is a NYC holiday scavenger hunt. it will involve visiting some of the majorly touristy sites (i recommend playing on a weekday) as well as a few more idiosyncratic locations or pictures that could be taken almost anywhere in the city. in keeping with the spirit of the depressed economy, this scavenger hunt will be entirely free. thus, rather than collecting random trinkets, bring a camera and get a picture of each of the following*:
1. the tree at rockefeller center (yes, perhaps a bit trite, but the list could not be complete without it)
2. a fallen ice skater
3. a person riding a fish in a holiday window display
4. someone dressed as santa claus
5. the sign that spells "welcome to greenwich village" in lights
6. the washington square park christmas tree
7. the free gift wrappers in union square
8. a nepal-made hat in the shape of an animal
9. a statue of liberty ornament
10. soldiers outside fao schwartz
11. someone hand-feeding a squirrel (yes, i saw this yesterday ... and some of these ops have to be challenging, lest everyone get the same score)
12. someone selling trees on the street
13. radio city music hall
14. a giant snowflake suspended above fifth avenue
15. a choir singing
16. the world's largest menorah
17. glass-blown Christmas witch ornaments
18. someone drinking hot chocolate
19. a street performing guitarist
20. the empire state building lit up
21. people riding the toys 'r us ferris wheel
22. south street seaport tree
23. the new york palace holiday decorations
24. victorian holiday lights at the central park discovery center
25. the location of America's first community Christmas tree
26. a holiday cake on display in a bakery
27. brooklyn bridge
28. an american girl doll shopping bag
29. a random act of kindness
30. people riding in a horse-drawn carriage
31. giant Christmas lights
32. a dog dressed for the holidays
33. winter wonderland in little italy
34. grand central holiday laser lights show
35. model trains
you get 1 point for every photo you successfully snap. if you want to play with friends, you can split into 2 groups and compete for the most points in a specific time frame. or should you not want to split up or should you want to play alone, you can post your score here to see how it compares to any like minded individuals who also respond (assuming, of course, that these individuals exist).
*disclaimer: i have not yet tested this scavenger hunt - it is possible that some vendors may fear that a camera will steal the souls of their goods, and they may reprimand you for taking photos. i will test out the scavenger hunt in the next couple days, and provide updates regarding possible altercations that may result from taking any particular photographs.
for hints on where to find some of the items on the list, enlarge the picture below. it provides rough hints - don't want to give too much away ...

27 - also had trouble with the bakeries.